Using OPMN in OBIEE 11g

 OPMN is installed and configured with every Oracle Application Server installation type and is essential for running Oracle Application Server.

OPMN features the following functionality:

Provides a command-line interface for process control and monitoring for single or multiple Oracle Application Server components and instances.
Provides an integrated way to manage Oracle Application Server components.
Enables management of Oracle Application Server subcomponents and sub-subcomponents.
Channels all events from different Oracle Application Server component instances to all Oracle Application Server components that can utilize them.
Solves interdependency issues between Oracle Application Server components by enabling you to start and stop components in order.
Enables customizing of enterprise functionality by using event scripts.
Enables gathering of host and Oracle Application Server process statistics and tasks.
Provides automatic restart of Oracle Application Server processes when they become unresponsive, terminate unexpectedly, or become unreachable as determined by ping and notification operations.
Provides automatic death detection of Oracle Application Server processes.
Does not depend on any other Oracle Application Server component being up and running before it can be started and used.
The OPMN server should be started as soon as possible after turning on the host. OPMN must be running whenever OPMN-managed components are turned on or off.

Using Command Prompt:
In the command prompt navigate to \instances\instance_number\bin\ (e.g. C:\OBI\instances\instance2\bin\), then execute the following commands as per your requirement.
  • To Start all OPMN processes: opmnctl startall
  • To Stop all OPMN processes: opmnctl stopall
  • To see the status of all system components: opmnctl status
startproc, stopproc, restartproc are the commands to start or stop individual processes. Here is the example to start all 5 System components individually.
  • BI Cluster Control: opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obiccs1
  • BI Scheduler: opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obisch1
  • BI Java Host: opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obijh1
  • BI Presentation Services: opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1
  • BI Server: opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obis1
Following screenshot shows all other options of OPMN.

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